Different Responses To Olympic Opening Ceremony

The Olympic logo which represents the five contents.

The Olympic logo which represents the five contents.

The Olympics opened in Paris on Saturday, July 27, 2024. While it usually is a time for patriotism, no matter what country you are from, this year’s opening ceremony brought fractured thoughts from many involved.


First, the Olympic flag was flown upside down. Flying a flag the wrong way usually means distress. While it may have been an accident, people attending and watching from elsewhere were distressed at this occurrence and wondered its meaning.


For such a massive event as the Olympics, occasional problems are expected. Heavy rain could not be stopped as the participants rode to the ceremony in boats for four hours. Throughout this time, it rained, sometimes lightly, other times heavily. Some teams chose to stay in their hotels that night instead of braving the weather and risking a cold.

Final Show

Meant to be a display of inclusivity, drag queens took center stage. While men pretending to be women is offensive to many, what happened next was more so. It seemed they displayed the Last Supper of Jesus. In a vain attempt to be inclusive for everyone, they offended Christians worldwide. Representatives from the Catholic Church condemned the portrayal. Speaker Johnson called the scene ‘shocking and insulting.’ Athlete Riley Gaines and Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene condemned the actions.

However, First Lady Jill Biden was at the ceremony. She applauded the overall show, saying,

So, last night, it was just spectacular [1]!

She continued in excitement and anticipation for the 2028 Olympics in Los Angeles.

Nonetheless, Italy’s Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini said,

Opening the Olympics by insulting billions of Christians around the world was a really bad start, dear French [2].

As a family-friendly event, many parents were shocked and disappointed at this display.


  1. ^ {First lady Jill Biden praises Olympics opening ceremony that mocked Last Supper} (go back  ↩)
  2. ^ {First lady Jill Biden praises Olympics opening ceremony that mocked Last Supper} (go back  ↩)

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