Does Anyone Trust Vaccines Anymore?

Someone getting a shot.Editorial

Someone getting a shot.

In a shocking statement to public health authorities, a new Gallup poll reveals that American vaccine confidence has plummeted to historic lows. The recent pandemic and its alleged vaccine helped bring millions’ thoughts into the open.


If the vaccine is so good, why is it mandated? Can you not convince me of its benefits? If I get the first vaccine, why do I need additional ones? Just what is a vaccine supposed to do? These questions and many more are guiding Americans into skipping those vaccines, which could be detrimental to their child’s health. Once they skip the COVID-19 vaccine, it is easy to forego other vaccines.

Is the cure worse than the disease of mistrust?

A reversal of decades-long trends is beginning to happen. Americans’ faith in childhood vaccines has hit an all-time low, with possible ramifications that could reshape public health policy for generations to come. If healthcare professionals cannot tell the truth about the side effects of one vaccine, how can I trust them with another? Parents are thinking, “What are the best options for my child?” And going back in history, how important is it to get influenza, polio, measles, and chicken pox vaccines?


Whether people are upset at medical professionals or the media is unknown. But the facts are in. Only 40% of U.S. adults consider childhood vaccines “extremely important,” down from 58% in 2019 to 64% in 2001. And only 51% believe that the government should require childhood vaccinations. If the vaccines are so important, why are illegal people entering this country and Not getting vaccinated?

Decide Carefully

But the populace needs to decide carefully. Do we want our children to contract polio? New York and Chicago have been dealing with measles outbreaks. Parents need to do the research and have trust in their healthcare provider, knowing the truth and what is best for each situation. While many in the healthcare industry speak the truth, some out there follow the money and say what the government wants, whether or not it is accurate.


Beware, l read an article that stated the Flu vax and the Covid mrna vax were combined this year 🤯
Instead of taking a potentialy harmful vax, Boost your immune system with Vit D3, C, A and Zinc supplements and eat healthy, eliminate your excess weight and live an improved life!
That is what l, as a man in my late 60’s have done and it works
I have taken no vaccines since the Army back in 1977

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