Everything You Need To Know About Library Cards

Row of books.

Row of books.

Alton, Mo. – A library card is a special sign of growing up. Children ages six and older are eligible to receive one. It marks the beginning of reading. It opens the world to knowledge. But what is necessary for a library card? Can anyone get one? How do you register for one, and do they cost?


In Oregon County, Missouri, library cards are free. One must have a photo ID and a piece of mail saying he lives here to apply for the card. If a child wants a card, his parent can show the required identification. Each book is rented out for FREE!


Oregon County libraries have No Charge for a library card. It is free whether you live within city limits or not. They want everyone to have access to the books.


One can rent or check out a book for two weeks. If no one else has requested the book, you can re-rent it. Movies can be checked out for five days. Oregon County libraries are hooked into the Missouri Evergreen system, which allows one to rent a book or movie from anywhere across the state.


The library charges a fine for overdue materials. Nevertheless, some months offer a ‘free fine’ month: return the overdue material for free. If you have further questions, feel free to contact your local librarian. They will be glad to help.

Although school is over, summer reading programs are going on now. Let your child/youth read the books to earn a free McDonald’s Happy Meal this summer.

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