Do you school at home? Is your child a writer (of sorts)? Why not enter the HSLDA (Home School Legal Defense Assoc.) poetry contest? They just announced the themes for students ages 7-19. Here are the details.
What Is This?
HSLDA is offering a poetry contest for all home schooled children. Each poem may not be longer than 16 lines. The classifications are divided into three age brackets, each with a separate theme. Winners will receive prize money from $50-$500.00
Who Can Enter?
This contest is open to all homeschooled children ages 7-19.
How Does This Work?
HSLDA does have specific rules and guidelines that one needs to take heed of before entering. Here are the rules. This contest is open from March 1, 2022 through May 1, 2022. There is a submission fee. All submissions will be uploaded online and not mailed in. One may enter up to three different poems. Each quarter, HSLDA offers a different contest. This one is for poetry, original work written by the student.
Where Does The Entry Fee Go?
All contest profits go to their charitable program HSLDA compassion. With it, they provide low income or hard hit families with grants, scholarships, and other educational and legal resources to help them continue homeschooling.
Best wishes to all who enter.