Alton, Mo. – Homeschooling 101 Enrichment Day is just around the corner. This is a free event. All ages can attend. Although directed at Missourians when they speak about laws, Arkansas people can attend, too. While the basic theme and plans are the same, there is a change in speakers. Here is what one can expect when attending the Enrichment Day.
Time And Location

These two items have Not changed. Alton Assembly of God Church is hosting the event. It begins at 9:00 am and concludes at 1 pm. Saturday morning, one can follow the yellow and black arrows directly to the church.
There are four speakers at this Enrichment Day, totaling over 80 years of experience. The keynote speaker is Shane Richardson.
Shane was born into a weird family, but then again, weren’t we all? His parents knew that they didn’t want to send him to a government school, couldn’t afford a private school, and were running out of options. That’s when they decided to do something that it seemed no one had ever heard of, HOME SCHOOL! That was the start of the adventure that involved being a part of a movement that helped write the laws, helped hide kids out when the state threatened to take them, and learned how to enjoy learning, instead of just passing a test.
Shane graduated at the top of his class of 1 in his home school, and went to college where he married the love of his life Christy, again doing things just a little bit differently. After all, they didn’t even kiss until after they were married. This began their journey of serving God together and soon homeschooling their four children, Hannah 26, Isaac 23, Malachi 22, and Tabitha, 17. Shane currently works in the staffing industry and as a pastor of a small country church. His passion is helping others, especially men, see and learn what it means to live out the Gospel in daily life.
Kim Quon is the next speaker. She and her husband, Don, have lived in the St Louis area for over 25 years, homeschooled both of their children from preschool to high school, and are now enjoying watching them pursue their passions after graduating college. What an adventure!  It has been a blessing to undertake this tremendous journey.  Kim has been on one of the local St Louis North County support group’s boards for eight years and is still active in an advisory role. Kim and Don have been serving as the Families for Home Education (FHE) Region 5 Directors for the past five years and as the Assistant Executive Directors for two years. Their goals are to help keep members informed of legislative alerts from Jefferson City that could potentially affect homeschooling freedoms, offer Homeschool 101 seminars for new homeschoolers or those in the trenches who need a refresher on MO law, offer high school seminars and help navigate the graduation process, educate our homeschool parents throughout the state on how to comply with our statutes, and to be able to direct new homeschoolers to the support groups in the areas where they live. We are excited to meet you. Kim will also speak on Missouri homeschooling laws and how to follow them.
Christy Richardson is another speaker. Christy grew up in the mountains of East Tennessee and still dearly misses their beauty, although she has come to appreciate Missouri sunsets. While the divorce of her parents when she was 12, was devastating, that cemented in her a passion for having a Godly home, even if she didn’t know exactly what that looked like. Before she was saved, Christy looked in a lot of wrong places for what she knew was missing, and then, when she was 25, over a draft beer at Applebees, Christ got a hold of her, and she hasn’t been the same.
She met Shane at a small college in West Tennessee and knew right off that he was weird, but in a good way, at least mostly. They courted, and it didn’t take long for her to realize that marriage to Shane would mean homeschooling any children they had. It terrified her, but she knew God would provide, and He did. She and Shane have four children, Hannah 26, Isaac 23, Malachi 22 and Tabitha 17. Christy’s passion is to help other moms see that they can homeschool and to know that there is no better way to prepare their children for life or to help them be ready to serve God.
The final speaker is Luke Bieber. Luke is a 22-year-old homeschool graduate. Lest you think his education impaired his future and adulthood, this young man has been attending Kennesaw State in Georgia. He is taking his senior year of cyber security and plans on graduating in December. Meanwhile, he has spent his free time interning for a leading company in cyber security since last summer.
Q & A
Following the talks, a free light lunch will be provided. During this lunch, the speakers will hold a Q & A time to answer all sorts of questions.
Throughout the time that the speakers are enriching the listeners, children have the opportunity to go downstairs for a one-day, high-impact Bible School. This is led by local homeschooled teens. They are planning a puppet show, songs, stories, and crafts for children of all ages.
Who Can Attend?
This Homeschooling 101 Enrichment Day is for everyone. If you are curious or have not started home schooling, come to get ideas and facts. If you are new to the state, come and get briefed on Missouri laws. If you are a veteran homeschool family, come and be encouraged.
Besides all of this fun, attendees can enter their names and emails for a chance to win a gift card to Home Science Tools.
A website has been set up to feature the HomeSchool 101 Enrichment Day event, speakers, and agenda. Moreover, after the event on January 28, videos of the talks will be posted on so they can be viewed anytime.  Â