National School Choice Week is a time for parents and educators to evaluate each child and decide what is best for each child, individually not as a group. This highlights education in general, not placing one form over another. It entrusts parents to make the best informed decision for each child.
When Is This?
National School Choice Week is from Monday, January 24, 2022, through Friday, January 28, 2022.
Who Can Participate?
Everyone can participate: any child or adult, parent or guardian, relative, or concerned citizen.
What Is This?
This is a week that spotlights effective education options for children. It is nonpolitical and nonpartisan. It is available in all 50 states. It does not endorse any one education method. Rather, it allows parents to be aware of all the choices for education one has available for each child. In Missouri this can be public school, private schools, online academies, homeschooling, or other learning pads [1].
Where Is This?
This time set aside happens all across the United States. The School Choice Week website offers free practical and unbiased resources for families searching for the best for their children. It even tells how much money is spent on each child at each school. For example, Missouri spends approximately $11,200 per public school student each year. However, Alton spends $9,668 on each high school student and $7,911 on each elementary student.
Why Do They Do This?
The nonprofit organization wants educated children doing their best. They want parents to know their options. For example, Missouri, obviously, has public schools. Charter and magnet schools are only available in the St. Louis and Kansas City areas. Missouri does have a number of private schools, including some in the area of West Plains. Missouri is not against online learning or home schooling. As this is January, a time of semester breaks, parents can look at what options are available to them and choose what fits their schedule, budget, and needs.
People are already preparing to meet in the state Capitol to show our legislators how we feel about choosing our own child’s education. To get additional information, you can click here.
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