Alton, Mo. – The Pregnancy Resource Center of West Plains is coming to Alton to help families in Oregon County. The center is aimed at pregnant women, women who have given birth, their husbands and children, and other family members. The class is free to attend.
What Is This?
The Pregnancy Resource Center is exactly what its name suggests: a pregnancy resource center where pregnant mothers can find help, encouragement, and advice throughout their pregnancy and postpartum. Anyone can attend the traveling center when it comes to Alton. Although held in a church, one does not need to be a member of that church—or any church—to stop by. They offer medical services and ideas to meet a family’s growing needs—all of this at no cost!
Who Can Attend?
This is open to pregnant women, their families, and those wishing to get pregnant.
When Is This?
They will be in Alton on Thursday, December 12, 2024, between 1 and 4 p.m. After the first meeting, they will continue to come to Alton every second Thursday of the month.
Where Will They Be?
The meeting takes place at the Alton First Baptist Church.