Alton, Mo. – Alton, Missouri did, indeed, hold its fireworks celebration on time. This fantastic fireworks display defied weather as rain preceded the show and lightening continued to clap throughout the rest of the evening. Vendors, politicians, and viewers all enjoyed the show of fireworks. Many people agreed that it was good to get outdoors and celebrate with fellow townspeople.

Time Frame
Although a high chance of rain was not in the forecast, around 7:15 p.m. the heavens did open and drop the water. Some party-goers ran for shelter in their cars to wait out the weather. Other patrons left the park dejectedly with windshield wipers at work. Approximately one-half hour later, the rain did let up. After that, the parking lot quickly filled up. Adults and children walked around, snacking on tasty morsels, choosing the best seat for the presentation. After an honor guard presentation with a prayer, the pledge, and the singing of the National anthem all at 9:00 p.m., the show began.

Fireworks Display
Bright, loud colors and blasts echoed throughout the night sky lighting up all below. Smoke crowded some of the first displays, but as that cleared, a beautiful show filled the sky. Whistles intermingled with ground-shaking booms sparked a heart of gratitude for this country.

High and lower lights created views for all. Applause ended the show. As the evening waned down, drivers tried to navigate across fields in a thick fog of smoke. Once away from the park, the air cleared and all settled down for another year.

Truly, the citizens agreed that this was a good celebration of our country’s birth.