Got Garden Pests? 5 Simple Ways To Repel Hungry Critters

A rabbit in some green grass.

A rabbit in some green grass.

There’s nothing worse than working hard to create a beautiful garden only to have it destroyed by typical garden pests.  Fortunately, with careful planning and care, you can prevent and treat common pest problems and enjoy your garden again. No matter what type of garden you have, you’ll be faced with pests that want to enjoy your bounty.  Whether you’re growing beautiful flowers to view or delicious garden vegetables, you should be prepared to defend your garden.


A way to keep critters out of your garden is by spreading bloodmeal around the edge of the garden. Many animals associate the smell of blood with a predator, and bloodmeal is made from dried blood.  The animals will think twice before entering the garden.

Garlic and Pepper Spray

You can also spray the garden with a solution of strong garlic and pepper that will taste bad to the animals if they taste it.

Fox or Coyote Urine

Stores sell fox or coyote urine in bottles. Most types of small animals, even deer, will be repelled by the smell because of their survival instincts.

High-Tech Motion Sensor Sprinkler

If you’re the kind of person that uses high-tech gadgets, get a motion sensor sprinkler. The sprinkler will spray water when it senses motion from an animal.

The animal gets a bath and you keep your veggies.

Perfume to Repel Deer

If you don’t have small rodents but you have deer instead, here’s a way to keep the deer out of your garden. Get some perfume or strong smelling soaps and put them into the garden. Even though you may like the smell of perfumes and strong smelling soaps, the deer do not and they will go in another direction.

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