January Is National Hobby Month- What’s Your Choice?

Baking with eggs and flour.

Baking with eggs and flour.

January begins a new year—out with the old and in with the new. Many people make resolutions or goals for the upcoming year. It is a way to be a better person, more accomplished, healthier, and more active. People of all ages pick up a new interest or hobby in January. Whether it is a new year or because it is too cold to venture outdoors for long, January is National Hobby Month.

Top Hobby

The top hobby people choose is cooking/baking. Perhaps in an attempt at a healthier lifestyle or simply to enlarge one’s tastes, 41% of people in 2024 chose cooking as a hobby. Try cooking more vegetables in palatable ways. Add spices and colors to your meals. Cut back on unhealthy fats.

Second Hobby

The second most popular hobby people have is reading. Perhaps this, too, is linked to cold, grey days when one prefers to stay indoors. In 2024, 36% of people took up reading as a hobby.


Pets are the next hobby. Whether you add a dog or a fish to your life, pets need care and attention.

Other Hobbies

Other hobbies in the top ten list include video games, outdoor activities, shopping, traveling, arts/crafts/DIY, socializing, and board games.


Hobbies are things one can learn to do without thinking, which benefits the hobbyist and is often an inexpensive boost to one’s life. They get him interacting with others and keep the brain and body active. Hobbies are a way to relax and unwind from the stresses of the day.

Which hobbies do you do?


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