Experts claim that an apple tree is the easiest fruit tree to grow. Following that idea, how do you know when to harvest those apples? Short of waiting until a nocturnal creature wipes out bushels, here are tips for optimum harvest. Depending on the type of apple you are growing, they ripen anywhere from July through November.
Unless you grow a granny smith apple, green apples are underripe. Look for red or yellow colorings. If you bite an apple, the flesh should be white or cream, not green.
Try a taste test. Ripe fruit is less tart and more sweet.
Ripe fruit falls to the ground. When they start falling, it is time to pick.
When you pick an apple, it should come off the branch quickly without tearing the limbs. The apples at the extremities—the outer branches—ripen first, and the inner fruits ripen last.
Once harvested, nothing beats the fresh taste of a homegrown apple. Stark Bro’s has more hints about caring for your fruit trees.