Changes In Deer And Turkey Rules Coming This Year

Deer standing in a field.

Deer standing in a field.

It is not every year that the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) changes the hunting rules and regulations. So, when changes are made, each person needs to pay attention. This year, the MDC changed the deer and turkey seasons. Here are some of the changes.

Turkey Season Changes

  • Turkey permits will no longer be included with an archery permit. These are separate.
  • A new fall turkey-hunting permit has been created. Both fall firearms turkey hunters and fall archery turkey hunters must purchase this permit beforehand to hunt turkeys in the fall.
  • The fall turkey season is now divided into archery and firearms portions. Due to the diminishing bird population, the harvest limit is now reduced from four to two birds of either sex (combined portions).

Deer Season Changes

    • Eighteen counties have been added to the Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) Management Zone.
    • As with all counties in the CWD Management Zone, consumable products that attract deer are prohibited year-round. Hunters must also follow carcass transportation regulations. All new counties in the CWD Management Zone are open during the CWD portion of firearms deer season.
    • During Nov. 16–17, hunters who harvest a deer in designated CWD Management Zone counties must take the deer (or its head) to a mandatory CWD sampling station on the day of harvest.


    • The antler-point restriction has been removed from twelve counties. This does not include Oregon County.
    • Deer hunters may now fill four firearms antlerless permits in Dent, Douglas, Maries, Newton, and Phelps counties.
    • Hunters may now use archery antlerless permits in Dunklin, Mississippi, New Madrid, and Pemiscot counties.
    • New managed deer hunts have been added, while others have been removed or modified.
    • Deer hunting regulations have changed for some conservation areas. Be sure to check them out before planning your hunt.
    • Hunters may now use aerial drones to track wounded deer and turkeys if needed.
    • Prices for deer and turkey hunting permits have increased this year.
  • You can check out the new prices here.

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