Do grey days get you glum? Are you longing for brighter days? Days to go outdoors and soak in the sunshine? There is no need to sit around and get more depressed. Take time now to plan your spring gardening. Thinking of planting brings sunshine to your thoughts. Here are three tips to get you started.
Plan Your Layout
Whether you are landscaping your yard or driveway, setting up an orchard, or planning rows in your garden, planning ahead can save time and mistakes later. Think about the size of the grown plant: do you want the tall maple tree two feet from the driveway? Will tall crops shade the small ones too much? Now is the time to lay out what you want.
Order Seeds And Plants
Now is the time to pore through the seed catalogs. What is the best price, deal, and quantity for you? Many companies offer early bird discounts for ordering before March. If you need potting soil or specific dirt, you can often find deals at department stores selling last year’s dirt. Simpson’s True Value has their stock of seeds in.
Do you need new tools? Did you brake a rake? Did your watering can blow away? Does your hose leak? Make a list to refill your supplies before the season begins.
Sharpen Your Tools
Tools get overused in the summer months. With the harvest coming in heavily, sometimes it is hard to take care of your tools. Now is a great time to do that. Sharpen, oil, tighten, all that needs care can be done in cold months. If your repairs have ended and there is no hope for your tool, add it to your list of what to buy. It is better to know ahead of what you need than find out as you need it that it cannot be of use.
Additionally, nationwide sites like Starks Bros and Burpee Seeds offer blogs of preparation ideas. These are experts in their field and their suggestions should not go unheeded. All of this can make for happy planting.