Free Virtual Class On Harvesting Mushrooms

Mushrooms on a stump.Community

Mushrooms on a stump.

Do you enjoy mushrooms? Do you like seeking them out in the brush, delighting when the perfect mushroom is found? Are you discouraged when spring foraging comes to an end?  The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) will offer a free virtual Foraging Summertime Mushrooms program to prepare you for summertime foraging.

What Is The Class About?

Mike Snyder, a certified mushroom identification expert, will discuss mushrooms that appear in summer. Snyder will discuss how to find edible mushrooms and how to avoid toxic ones. After his presentation, there will be a 30-minute question-and-answer session.

In this one-hour program, Mike will share information about how to identify the most common edible mushrooms that occur in Missouri during the summer, as well as give tips on how to use them in the kitchen. Mike will also show us a few of the most common toxic summer fungi and how to know and avoid them. This is a perfect opportunity to learn how to forage for the mushroom bounty of the warm season here in our state!

When Is The Class?

The class is Thursday, May 23 between 6-7:30 pm.

Where is The Class?

This is an online class. You can attend from the privacey of your own home.

Who Can Attend?

This class is open to all ages. Registration is required. You can register here. Register early as the class is expected to fill quickly.

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