Look To The Morning Skies For 6 Planets In A Line

Stars in a purple sky.Community

Stars in a purple sky.

The night sky will host a breathtaking astronomical event on Wednesday morning—a six-planet parade. Also known as a planetary alignment, this phenomenon will feature six of our solar system’s planets lining up in a row in the pre-dawn hours on August 28, 2024.

Which Planets Are They?

The planets that will line up are Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, and Saturn. They will appear in a straight line, stretching across the night sky just before dawn. Here is where to look.

  • Saturn will be the first planet to become visible, appearing in the constellation Aquarius with a distinct yellowish hue. This is south. Saturn will be one of the easiest planets to spot and be visible to the naked eye from late evening onward.
  • Neptune will be the next planet to appear, but it will not be visible to the naked eye. It is near the constellation Pisces, next to Saturn. Due to its distance and dimness, Neptune is best observed with a telescope or high-powered binoculars.
  • Uranus rises later in the night and is positioned in the constellation Taurus. Like Neptune, Uranus requires a telescope or binoculars for proper observation.
  • Jupiter and Mars appear next, appearing in the same general area of the sky near the waning crescent moon, also in Taurus. Both planets are visible without equipment, and their bright appearance makes them easy to spot.
  • Lastly, Mercury rises just before dawn, low on the horizon in the constellation Leo. Though its proximity to the horizon can make it challenging to see, Mercury should still be visible to the naked eye, provided no clouds are about.

When To See Them?

Although they begin to appear in the evening on Tuesday, the best time to view all the planets in a line is immediately before sunrise on Wednesday, August 28.

Before heading to bed tonight, set out your equipment for viewing. (It is hard to think in the early hours.) Things to set out are binoculars, a sweater, and a flashlight. The sights should be spectacular.

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