The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) is at it again. This time they are planning an urban woodsman event in Kansas City. Everything from sweet treats to swinging an ax will be offered at this event. Attending the MDC Urban Woodsman event is a great way to break up the winter blues of cold gray days by getting with others, going outdoors, and getting the heart rate up.
Time And Place
On Saturday, February 22, 2020 the MDC Anita B. Gorman Discovery Center will host this gathering. It is located at 4750 Troost Ave., Kansas City, Mo. This program is from 10:00 a.m. until 2:30 p.m.
What Is Offered?
Trees and wood are the featured subjects. Visitors will learn to make firewood and swing an ax. Professionals will teach how to split firewood carefully. As firewood is often sold by the cord, MDC experts will instruct what a cord is, how to stack it, what wood burns best, and how to measure a cord.
Fun activities include tasting flapjacks with maple or walnut syrup that is tapped from trees right there. Visitors can learn how to tap their own trees, too. Attendees can light a fire using flint and steel, make a Swedish log fire, even make rope.
This MDC Urban Woodsman event is an event for all ages, there are child-friendly activities. Tree limbs and branches will be arrayed as shelters and hideaways. The nature center has a mammal pelts. There are planned kids craft activities to correspond to the day.
Any Fees?
The MDC Urban Woodsman Activity is free. No registration is necessary. The Discovery Center is open for questions and information at 816-759-7300. They have a website, too, that has additional information.