Mo Dept Of Conservation Says Watch Out-It’s Turtle Crossing Season

Trail through the woods.

Trail through the woods.

Another spring and turtle crossing season is upon us. With warmer weather, turtles emerge in the open. The Missouri Department Of Conservation is warning drivers to keep a watchful eye on the roads and give the turtles a break.

Spring rains and warm weather makes this the season box and snapping turtles stroll about. Unlike deer, elk, or other larger wildlife animals, turtles do not have a large plot of land that they control. They basically stay in one area. However, with warmer weather, turtles go on the hunt for food and a mate. This leads them into the open, often crossing roads. Missouri biologists tracked one turtle in the spring to find he had traveled more than six miles [1].

Lifespan Of Turtles

Most turtles in Missouri live 15-30 years. However, the most common box turtle can live up to 80 years. Although their hard shell protects them from most enemies, the shell is no match for a moving vehicle. Cars are the biggest cause of turtle deaths per year. This is why Missouri Department of Conservation asks drivers to be wary of driving, especially in wooded areas. While swerving off the road to avoid a turtle crossing is not the answer, perhaps slowing down or centering your tires around the traveler could be takes as suggestions. Missouri Department of Conservation has a link to learn more about box turtles.

Are Cars The Only Turtle Enemy?

No. While adult turtles have few enemies due to their hard shell, turtle eggs and young turtles have several predators: snakes, skunks, and coyotes. People are not considered friends to these wanderers. Turtles are wild, though not particularly dangerous to humans. When taken into captivity as a pet, turtles usually die [2].

All said, Missouri Conservation encourages residents to get outdoors and appreciate wildlife, especially turtles right now. Just do not attempt to bring one home, for their sake.


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