Alton, Mo. – Friday’s storms brought havoc. While some people lost homes, roofs, or shelters, most experienced downed branches and uprooted trees. With the weather settling down, at least for now, what can you do with this natural debris? Do you hack up the tree? Bonfire the branches? Emergency crews and the Missouri Department of Conservation have suggestions for the health of your home and your living trees.
Electric Lines Down?
The first thing to do is assess your damage. Are there downed power lines? If so, please immediately contact HOE at (417) 256-2131 for retrieval and removal.
Next, consider what is damaged. Obviously, damage to your home is more important than to an outbuilding. Prioritize and work on clearing the debris to reach the damaged areas.
MDC suggests you remove downed limbs or trees that have caused damage, become obstructions, or pose some risk. However, do not make hasty tree-care decisions after a storm. The trees can wait if there are more pressing issues to tend to.
Take a walk around your property. Are the fences intact? Are there tree branches pushing them down? You will want to clear them. Driveways will need clearing.
Clearing needs to occur, whether it is the branches or the tree itself. Do not top your damaged trees. Proper pruning is required to help your tree recover.
Bonfires of the brush is not recommended as we are getting more strong winds. A fire could cause additional damage to your and your neighbor’s property.
Counties and cities have local crews out with chainsaws. They will gladly help clear roads, driveways, buildings, and fence lines. Inexperienced persons can help remove downed branches. In areas of weight and destruction, haste is not the issue. Hurrying could cause more damage. Seek professional assistance where necessary. You can make it through this difficult time, and so can your trees.