What Gardening Should You Do In July?

garden vegetables

garden vegetables

It is July, the second hottest month of the year and sometimes the driest. What can you do in the garden? While gardening gives one a sense of worth, it is pretty difficult to get out there in 90-degree weather and 100% humidity to pull weeds. Although major planting is not thought of at this time, the gardening mind is still active. Here are a few activities to feed that gardening spirit.


That should be a no-brainer. But this is the month you usually need to water on a regular basis. High temperatures and any winds dry those little plants. Drip irrigation is good for the roots.


While weeds are not as abundant at this time of year as at other times, they do grow. Simply snatch that weed up by the roots and walk on. This keeps them under control and you in the heat less. Look at the garden. Is there produce that can use picking, cucumbers that need trellising, beans that are vining? Now is the time to take care of the little tasks. Perhaps add an extra mound of dirt at strategic places before the next storm. Make sure wildlife is not eating more than you.

Spring Plants

During this hot month, spring plants are wilted or even dead. Time to turn them under. Any green life in them will help nourish the soil. Peas, spinach, and broccoli do not like the hotter temperatures.


On those really hot days, take out those gardening books and magazines. Time to plan what you want to grow in the fall or winter. You may need to plant some seeds to get started on time. While you are in the air conditioning, plan your garden arrangement. When cooler weather does come, you will be prepared.

To further your July chores and get more ideas, you can go here. While the heat can make it difficult to move around in, July is not the time to give up on gardening.

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