Tomorrow, Sunday, March 9, 2025, Daylight Savings Time begins. For Daylight Savings Time, move your clocks forward one hour.
How To Remember
You may think, “How can I remember if I should move my clock forward or back an hour?” Think of it this way: in March, you spring forward an hour; in November, you fall back an hour.
What Does It Mean
Since we’ll be springing forward an hour, it means one less hour of sleep. It also means it will stay lighter later in the evening. Daylight Savings Time allows individuals to get more done since it stays lighter longer.
Changing Clocks
While you can change your clock on Sunday morning, it might make you feel like you’re running late for anything you might be going to. Changing clocks on Saturday afternoon or evening allows you to adjust to the time change earlier and not be late for anything on Sunday.