Too Many Cucumbers? Try This Face Mask


cucumbers, produce, vegetables

It is summer. With that, the garden begins to yield, sometimes more than expected. In comparison, most produce can be frozen or canned. Some are not made for that. Cucumbers are one of those plants. When you go to the farmer’s market, several vendors sell cucumbers. While you can make pickles and eat them in salads, what do you do if you have a Lot more?


Do not waste those cucumbers—they are nutritious! Cukes are good sources of potassium, magnesium, and fiber, among other things. Here is a more complete list. The idea is that they are good for you without the carbs.


Try being healthy. Add a cucumber (or a half if it is large) to your morning smoothie. They are healthy and will help hydrate you first thing.

Cucumber Water

Instead of a lemon slice, try a cucumber slice with berries on a tall glass of ice water. Refreshingly light.

Salads And Dips

Place sliced cucumbers in your salad. They also make good dips.

Face Mask

OK. We have gone through the food ideas. How about a facial? Take half a cucumber, blend it, and drain it. Next, apply it to your face. Let it sit for 1/4 of an hour. When you wash it off, you will feel light and clean. For a more durable mask, you can add honey and oatmeal.

These are a few ideas for using those cucumbers somewhere other than the compost pile. Next time your neighbor offers you some, do not hesitate to take them. You now know how to use them.

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