Valentine’s Day is known for love. With that comes weddings and marriage proposals. After all, if you want to ensure your true love’s love, why not propose on the most loving day of the year? After deciding the day, what about the proposal? What is a popular quirk often seen when proposing? How about the man bowing his knee?
Bow The knee
In movies, we often see a man bowing his knee or kneeling before a lady to ask for her hand in marriage. While it is romantic, where did this custom originate? Kneeling before someone showed respect or reverence. This may have originated in the Persian Empire when proper greetings depended on societal rank.
Some religious groups bow and face their holy altar. Knights being honored after battle kneeled before their commander.
Some believe that bending the knee took on a romantic significance during the knights’ heyday. In the 11th century, knights formed close bonds with ladies of the court. Since the woman was already married, the relationship usually wasn’t sexual, but it was always a serious commitment. Knights pledged to serve and honor their lovers with the same fervor applied to their lords and kings.
Bending the knee has long meant devotion and humility, whether to a commander or a lover.