Missouri Bicentennial Encourages 200 Hours Of Volunteerism

volunteer hands raisedCommunity

volunteer hands raised

In honor of Missouri’s bicentennial. the Missouri Community Service Commission is challenging all Missourians to volunteer 200 hours in their local community.

Ways To Volunteer

The ideas of volunteerism are endless. Whatever one can think of to do to better the community would count. Here are a few ideas to get started. How about picking up trash along the road, alongside the river, at the park, or in town? Watering the plants around the square is beneficial. Find a senior and serve him. This could be through raking leaves or mowing the grass, possibly doing errands for him, or simply reading him a book. Helping at the food pantry is often a way to assist those in need.

What To Do Whan Done

Missouri Bicentennial has a website that one can go on and download a Community Service Challenge. You can record the hours of service along with the date and what was accomplished. Once completed, you can email the form at this site. The Missouri Community Service Commission will recognize those who volunteer with a certificate of appreciation. For those who prefer, you may mail your completed form to:

Missouri Community Service Commission

PO Box 118

Jefferson City, MO  65102


The volunteer hours need to be a minimum of 200 hours. The volunteer activities all need to be accomplished in 2021. The volunteer also needs to return the form by December 31, 2021, to be eligible for the certificate.

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