West Plains, Mo. –The opening night of “The Nutcracker” ballet was performed by Children’s Ballet of the Ozarks on Friday, December 10, 2021, at 7:00 pm at the West Plains Civic Center. People of all ages came to enjoy the ballet.

The Nutcracker
While there was a lot of younger ballerinas, they still put on a good performance. The ballet opened with families arriving for the Staulbaum Christmas party. Clara, played by eight-year-old Grace Garrison, gets a nutcracker from her godfather. Clara then watches as various dances are performed.

Different Dances
As Clara and her Nutcracker Prince travel on a journey never to be forgotten. Some of the dances performed for Clara and the Nutcracker Prince was the angels, the Spanish, and the Chinese.

Mirlinton, Arabian, and Mother Ginger and her Madamoisselles we also performed to the enjoyment of the audience. The Russians also performed and are always a big hit. The Dew Drop Fairy showed gracefullness as she danced along with the flowers. The final performances was from the Sugar Plum Fairy and her Cavalier.

Come & Enjoy!
“The Nutcracker” ballet will be performed on Saturday, December 11 and 18, and on Friday, December 17th at 7:00 pm. On the Saturday performances, their will be a matinee at 2:00 pm. You can buy tickets before-hand or the night of the performance.

Bring your family and friends to the wonderful ballet of “The Nutcracker” performed by Children’s Ballet of the Ozarks!