Run And Walk This Year On Friday Preceding The Walnut Festival

Girl going on a hike.

Girl going on a hike.

Alton, Mo. – The 39th Annual Walnut Festival is approaching. While Saturday will feature booths of every sort, Friday will have entertainment! One of the events planned is a one-mile walk/run and a five-kilometer race. Most people cannot just jump into a long run. But a walk is inviting to most people. Crossing Alton’s terrain in the fantastic evening could be what you need to start the weekend. You can leave the longer run to the youth, while a casual stroll will help your health.

How Healthy Is A Walk?

Hiking or walking is considered a full-body exercise. Crossing uneven terrain helps balance, reduces stress, improves heart function, and increases blood flow in your legs and feet. Anyone from an experienced runner to a novice walker can engage in this activity. Even young mothers can get out and push strollers while toddlers run alongside, breathing the fresh air.

What To Do Before Walking

To prepare for this walk, one does not need to do much. A good pair of walking shoes and comfortable clothes help. You can practice beforehand by walking along Tucker Creek Park’s walking trail or something similar. Adding hand or ankle weights enhances the experience, but only for experienced walkers. A backpack should not be necessary. However, you may want to bring along a water bottle.

Immediately Preceding The Walk

Make sure you are appropriately attired; that is a must. Then, stretch out before beginning. Reach down to your toes and up to the sky. Bend one way then the other. Raise up to your tip-toes. Small lunges forward and back help loosen your leg muscles. Walk around a bit before the actual start.

Then you are off! You can walk off excess stress and flab while helping the community. Bring the whole family. You can walk with young children as well as the older grandparents.

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