Alton, Mo. – The Alton Senior Center is hosting a fish fry. This event is open to the public as a means of reaching seniors and local residents. The senior center is saying “Hello” to fall.
Seniors as well as non-seniors are invited to the Alton Senior Center for a grab and go fish fry.
The Senior Center scheduled this event for Thursday, October 22, 2020. It runs through the lunch hour of 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. Local city workers as well as seniors can come for the ‘lunch to go’.
The Alton Senior Center is located at 204 S. Main Street in Alton, Missouri. It is next to the post office, off the square by the Burger Palace driveway.

The menu contains a good portion of fish, brown beans, cornbread, coleslaw, and bottled water. A slice of pie is added for the dessert.
The center is asking for a contribution of $3.50 for seniors 60 years and older. Those younger than 60 are invited to come with a preferred donation of $6.00
Additional questions and concerns can be directed to the center at 417-778-7342.