Tender Mercies Of Covid-19 Warriors

The COVID-19 Virus.

The COVID-19 Virus.

COVID-19 is a deadly disease to many, but not all. Due to misinformation from the public health services, the facts need to be public and a medical panel is trying to make the facts known.

Fatality rate

First, there is a difference between COVID cases and Covid infections. In early March, the case fatality rate was roughly 3%. That means 3 out of every 100 people with cases of covid died from it. Today, covid is known to be less than 1/2 of 1%. The fatality rate is closer to 02 or 03% The difference is how the deaths were identified. Back in March, many people had mild or no symptoms. These people were not counted in the case count at all. Now, testing is done every day whether or not one feels any symptoms. These results bring higher numbers of positive cases. However, the fatality rate drops to 2 in 1000 or .2%. This study coincides with results around the world.

Who Is At Risk?

The single most important fact about COVID is that not everyone is equally at risk. This was clear early on, but public health messaging seems to go against it. There is a 1000 fold difference between the fatality rate of those over age 70 and the mortality rate in children. This disease is less dangerous than the flu for children. More children die from the flu than COVID by a factor of two or three. However, the fatality rate for people over age 70 is 4%, much higher than the overall population of 2%.

Deadliness Of Lockdowns

Widespread lockdowns that are being used are unprecedented. they have never been used before as a means of controlling the disease. Early on, medical professionals concluded that hospitals were not going to be overwhelmed. Yet, lockdowns stayed in place and became more fierce. Certain people talk about stopping the spread of this disease, but they are not looking at the economic harms that are coming this way. The U.N. estimates that 130 million more people will starve this year due to lockdowns.

Another unplanned result of lockdowns is less medical care. Parents have stopped bringing their children in for immunizations. They fear COVID more than polio, diphtheria, or whooping cough, which are all more deadly. Worldwide, 80 million children are at risk for those diseases due to no immunizations.

A large number of Americans are neglecting their cancer treatments because they fear COVID more. Others skip important screenings. A rise in cancer death rates is expected.

Mental health problems are on the rise. From time to time suicide is in the news. Humans are meant to live in company with one another. These lockdowns have psychological effects on young people and children who need socialization.

Where To Go From Here

In discussion with other medical experts across the country, they realize that lockdowns have been a devasting public health mistake. Keeping these lockdown and quarantine measures in place until there is a vaccine- or longer- will cause irreparable damage. It is best to allow those who are at minimal risk of death to live their lives normally to build up immunity to the virus through natural infection while protecting those who are at the highest risk. Those not vulnerable should immediately be allowed to resume a normal life. Simple hygiene measures should be practiced by everyone. Society as a whole enjoys the protection of those who have built up herd immunity.

Scientists have spoken up against lockdowns and there has been enormous pushback. Science cannot operate in an environment where any challenge to the status quo is shut down or canceled. We should not be afraid; we should respond to the virus rationally. That way the cure will not be worse than the disease.

This is adapted from a panel presentation on October 9, 2020, in Omaha, NE. Jay Bhattacharya is a professor of Medicine at Stanford University. Here he laid out the facts of the harm of covid-19 actually is. To read the presentation in full, click here.

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