Want A Clean House? Try These Simple Hints

Floor cleaning supplies.

Floor cleaning supplies.

We all want a house that a magazine could display. While it may work for an hour for a photoshoot, do people actually live in a clutterless home, free to navigate trials in a calming environment? Yes! And the answer may surprise you. A little bit of effort goes a long way to cleanliness.

Here are some suggestions to get you started on your clean home,

  1. Do not wear shoes inside. That alone will cut back on the amount of dirt. just keep warm socks near the door to wear inside, and you’re set.
  2. Make the bed every morning. If the day falls apart after that, you will have accomplished one thing.
  3. Clean while you cook. No one likes dirty dishes. Cleaning as you cook diminishes the load for after the meal. These dishes are much easier to clean than waiting for the food to crust, so after-dinner dishes will not be so disappointing.
  4. Keep a clean refrigerator by eliminating expired foods, cleaning spills, and using clear containers, so you know what you have.
  5. Do laundry regularly. Spending the whole day washing, drying, and folding laundry is not a good day. Besides, in this heat, I do not want my home to smell like a locker room. Try doing a load every other night.
  6. Also, stay on top of trash needs. With warm weather, it does not take long for the garbage to smell like, well, garbage. Take it out.
  7. Wipe surfaces. One day, wipe down the counters. It is only a couple of minutes. The next day, move to another area. Wiping counters can be done while cooking.
  8. Pick up before going to bed. Who wants to wake up to a dirty house, dirty dishes, and tripping over things in the walkway? Wake up happy by having all of this taken care of the night before.


You do not have to do everything. Get the kids to help. A clean and clear home helps the mind to relax after the stresses of the day. These are a few ideas that do not take too much time but are guaranteed to improve the appearance and smell of your home. For more ideas on cleaning your home, go here.

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