Do You Have A Large Evergreen? The Governor Is Looking For One

Christmas tree with bulbs

Christmas tree with bulbs

MDC (Missouri Department of Conservation) is looking for a large evergreen for the Governor’s mansion in Jefferson City, Mo before October 11, 2020. This will be a Christmas tree for the governor’s mansion lawn. MDC is asking landowners, homeowners, businesses, and communities to see if there is a candidate. Then please contact the MDC.

What Type Of Tree Are They Looking For?

MDC plans this annual search for a large tree. The chosen tree needs to be about 40 feet tall. It can be a red cedar, eastern red cedar, Norway spruce, or white pine.

The qualifying the tree can be one near the end of its life It may also need to be moved for a different reason.

Who Pays For The Removal?

MDC will cut and remove the tree at no cost to the owner. They will then deliver it to the Governor’s mansion. The doner will receive a thank-you from the governor, along with an invitation to the lighting ceremony.

How Can I Furnish My Tree?

For those with a tree that meets the criteria, take a photo of the tree you want to donate. It’s best to submit several photos from different angles and distances.  You can email it to their submission site here . You can also mail in your candidate to MDC, ATTN: Mansion Christmas Tree, PO Box 180, Jefferson City, MO  65102.

Entries must be submitted by Oct 11. Full guidelines are available here.  For additional questions or concerns, contact MDC Communications Specialist Holly Dentner at 573-751-4115, ext. 3110.

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