All Of’s 2024 Political Survey Results

General election candidates.

General election candidates.

At the beginning of June, sent out political surveys to all the individuals running for office, whether it be local, state, or federal. With primary elections coming up in under a month, now is the time to read up on who to vote for. Here are all the responses has gotten and what office they are running for. If any other politicians send in their surveys, this article will be updated.

MO State Rep.

For the 153rd Missouri State Representative District, only three individuals are running: Vinnie Clubb, Republican; Keith Elliott, Republican; and Sheila Bristol, Democrat. Only Clubb and Elliott answered the survey’s.

State Senator

Also going to be on the ballot in August is our state senator district (25th). Incumbent Jason Bean (Republican) and Chuck Banks (Democrat) are running.

U.S. Rep.

Several individuals are running for the Eighth Congressional District (United States Missouri representative) which include three Republicans, two Democrats, and one Libertarian.

Secretary of State

Multiple state-wide offices are going to be on the ballot this year, including secretary of state. Most of the state-wide offices have over eight individuals running.

Lieutenant Governor

Another state office that will be on the primary election ballot is the lieutenant governor. Only two out of the nine candidates have sent in a response.


The final state office that sent in the political survey is governor. Two Republicans and one Libertarian answered the political survey.

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