Candidate Denny Hoskins Answered Our Political Survey

HWY 160 Alton Mo bridge construction.

HWY 160 Alton Mo bridge construction.

Recently, Denny Hoskins answered our political survey. He is a Republican running for the position of Secretary of State. This is the office that ensures safe and secure voting. Here are his answers.

Denny Hoskins Survey Answers

Are you aware that many schoolchildren cannot read or write cursive? What would you do to solve this problem?

We must get back to the basics of teaching reading, writing, and arithmetic. Unfortunately, some schools are more concerned with teaching the woke agenda than focusing on preparing our kids for jobs in the real world.

Do you believe that self-defense is a right? Why? Should there be any limitations?

Yes, every person has a right to self-defense with no limitations. I have an “A” rating from the NRA and will always fight to protect your 2nd Amendment rights.

In light of the Bill of Rights, how do you propose supporting our enumerated freedoms and rights?

I am a staunch supporter of our 2nd Amendment. We have a strong 2nd Amendment to protect our freedoms and rights.

As illegal persons come to Missouri, do you see their presence as a help or a hindrance? What will they do to our economy?

Illegal immigrants should not be in Missouri. I filed a bill to make it a state crime for an illegal to be in Missouri. My bill would fine illegals and deport them back to their home country.

What is the biggest problem facing Missourians/Americans?

Inflation and illegal immigration are the two biggest problems facing Missourians. State government has grown from $27B six years ago to $51B this year. We must reduce spending and enforce our current immigration laws.

The traditional family is defined as a father, mother, and children. Is this type of family good for our culture?

Yes, I believe in traditional family values. The most stable family is one with a loving father and mother.

What are the state’s most pressing needs for infrastructure or capital projects?

Roads, bridges and internet access are the most pressing infrastructure needs in Missouri. Everyone needs access to quality internet services to buy/sell goods and services and provide educational opportunities for our children.

How would you protect Oregon County from big government interference? Tax manipulation?

I passed the “Big Government Get Off My Back Act” which says no new rules and regulations on our farmers and small businesses. The government governs best when it governs least.

What laws would you like to see passed or repealed in your term?

With a state budget almost doubling in the past six years ($27B vs. $52B), we need to pass tax cuts, including personal property tax cuts. You should not have to pay “rent” to the government every December for owning your pick-up truck.

What is your greatest accomplishment that you want voters to know about?

I passed the SAFE Act in 2023 to ban transgender surgeries on Missouri children. Our kids need love and compassion, not a doctor’s prescription to cut off their private parts. The Governor signed my bill in 2023 and now it is illegal in Missouri to have transgender surgery on children.

Can you give a short bio on why you chose to run for office?

I want to make sure our elections are safe and secure. The most safe and secure elections are in-person, on Election Day, with a voter ID and paper ballot. Non-citizens should not vote in Missouri elections and no, I don’t trust the election machines. I’ve filed bills to hand count ballots, and I support President Trump.

Denny Hoskins lives in Warrensburg. For the past 8 years, he was a Missouri senator.

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