Candidate Ken Iverson Answered Our Survey



Candidate Ken Iverson is running for Lieutenant Governor in Missouri on the Libertarian platform. Recently, he answered our survey questions.

Ken Iverson Survey Answers

Are you aware that many schoolchildren cannot read or write cursive? What would you do to solve this problem?

We don’t have a free market in education. Instead, Missourians are forced to pay a hefty school tax to have government employees teach a one-size-fits-all state board-approved curriculum. Stop regulating and taxing away our educational choices. School choice gives parents the financial wherewithal to select the most advantageous education for their children, while a free market generates more learning options as well as opportunities for benevolence and endowments. Thus, parents can choose cursive writing, calligraphy, or any kind of writing format for their children.

Do you believe that self-defense is a right? Why? Should there be any limitations?

Self-defense is an exercise of the natural, unlimited, God-given right to life, self-protection, and survival.

In light of the Bill of Rights, how do you propose supporting our enumerated freedoms and rights?

I will reflect on, act on, and cite the Constitution while proudly displaying the Bill of Rights.

As illegal persons come to Missouri, do you see their presence as a help or a hindrance? What will they do to our economy?

As we are reminded daily, our immigration laws are obviously counterproductive and dangerous. They have cost the average tax payer about $1000 per year, not to mention the many lives lost while immigrants desperately try to enter this country illegally because of our quota system. Morally and economically speaking, we should welcome documented immigrants who intend to work. Allow them to become net contributors to our economy. Instead, we round them up and provide for their every need free of charge. Remove the quotas and allow innocent asylum seekers to come through our points of entry. Let us show our humanity while saving the tax payers hundreds of billions in otherwise wasted expenditures.

What is the biggest problem facing Missourians/Americans?

High taxes, low wages, poverty, and despair tend to foment idle youth and lead to high rates of violent crime. On the other hand, the principles of liberty tend toward economic opportunity, prosperity, peace, harmony, and goodwill.

The traditional family has been defined as a father, mother and children. Is this type of family good for our culture?

YES, and socialism has been chipping away at it for decades.

What are the most pressing needs for infrastructure or capital projects in the state?

Our electric grid system should be made more robust and secure, and nuclear power should play an increasing role.

How would you protect Oregon County from big government interference? Tax manipulation?

I will strive to end state taxation of personal income, tips, personal property, and retail sales. Also, I will be skeptical of federal mandates and decrees, rejecting federal funding if need be.

What laws would you like to see passed or repealed in your term?

I will work toward eliminating Missouri state taxes and replacing them with user fees (example: fuel surcharge), abuser fines (example: pollution penalty), and sales of state properties (example: state campuses).

What is your greatest accomplishment that you want voters to know about?

I listened to my parents and the preacher. I learned and applied the morality of religious principles and formed an ethical philosophy that led to my views on liberty and politics.

Can you give a short bio on why you chose to run for office?

As a US Navy veteran, former defense analyst and engineer, I have witnessed the waste of valuable tax funding on knowingly fruitless and offensive endeavors for the sake of enriching the already wealthy career politicians, bureaucrats, insiders, lobbyists and contractors. Missourians deserve to keep the fruits of their labor, not to become beasts of burden to an “overarching” state.

Missouri primary elections are held on August 6, 2024. Be sure to come out and cast your ballot for the candidate of the party you choose.

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