Candidate Vinnie Clubb Gives Answers To Timely Questions

Vinnie Clubb

Vinnie Clubb

Recently, Candidate Vinnie Clubb answered our political survey. He is a Republican running for state representative of our district. This is what he had to say.

Vinnie Clubb Survey Answers

Are you aware that many schoolchildren cannot read or write cursive? What would you do to solve this problem?

Our public schools across the 153rd Missouri House District have a 50% or less efficiency across all grade levels in every subject. Our teachers are underpaid, and their hands are tied from being able to do the job that they love to do. We need to get back to the basics of preparing our children for the future through a classical education and provide more local control over how our schools operate.

Do you believe that self-defense is a right? Why? Should there be any limitations?

Self-defense is 100% a right. We have the God-given right to protect ourselves and our loved ones when a danger arises.

In light of the Bill of Rights, how do you propose supporting our enumerated freedoms and rights?

The Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution because the Constitution lacked limits on government power. I will fight to strengthen our state’s rights and strive to restore rights that the federal government has unconstitutionally usurped.

As illegal persons come to Missouri, do you see their presence as a help or a hindrance? What will they do to our economy?

There should be absolutely no Illegal aliens in our nation. The number of illegal aliens in Missouri should be “0”. Legal immigrants, who should not be able to vote, are invited to assimilate with open arms. But if you come into our country illegally, you are not welcome in the State of Missouri.

What is the biggest problem facing Missourians/Americans?

On the federal level, as well as in Jefferson City, the biggest problem that we face as a people is a bloated, out-of-control, and unelected bureaucracy that strives to govern the elected.

The traditional family consists of a father, mother, and children. Is this type of family good for our culture?

The foundation of the traditional family has been under attack for decades and we are now seeing a harvest of those seeds that have been sowed. The Biblical structure for the home is one of the building blocks for a moral and just society.

What are the most pressing needs for infrastructure or capital projects in the state?

With agriculture being the number one industry in the State of Missouri, rural Missouri should carry just as much weight as urban areas. Our constituents deserve to have the same care for roads, bridges, and utilities, including broadband, as those who reside in the higher populated areas.

How would you protect Oregon County from big government interference? Tax manipulation?

I am strong proponent of state’s rights and believe that the federal government has overreached on way too many issues where they shouldn’t have the power to do so. The state bureaucracy follows that tradition. I will fight to cut Missouri’s taxes and regulations that are strangling our counties, allow counties more control on how they govern, and ensure that our rural way of life not only is preserved but thrives!

What laws would you like to see passed or repealed in your term?

When we look around at other less conservative states around us, they seem to be getting more conservative principles and policies done than we are here in Missouri. With majorites on both sides of the Capitol, we need to get away from the bickering and arguing and get back to the “people’s business.” Things such as Initiative Petition Reform, a permanent ban on children sex mutilation and surgery, as well as draining the bureaucracy of the Missouri government, are prime examples of things that need to be addressed.

What is your greatest accomplishment that you want voters to know about?

Outside of my faith in Jesus Christ, my family is by the far the most sacred thing to me. My wife, Rebekah, who has been faithfully at my side for the past 20 years, and two amazing daughters are being raised up in the admonition of the Lord. They are truly priceless.

Can you give a short bio on why you chose to run for office?

The world is on fire around us, and now more than ever we need someone who is willing to fight and hold fast to biblical convictions without wavering for the sake of compromise.

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