Chris Wright, Candidate For Governor, Answers’s Survey

Somebody writing with pen on papers

Somebody writing with pen on papers

Chris Wright, from Joplin, Missouri, is a Republican running for governor. He answered’s political survey so voters can get to know about him and his stances.

Chris Wright Survey Answers

Are you aware that many schoolchildren cannot read or write cursive? What would you do to solve this problem?

My platform involves reducing DESE and making reading, writing, and arithmetic a priority once again.

Do you believe that self-defense is a right? Why? Should there be any limitations?

One should always have a right to defend themself. Its Biblical and has always been a right since the beginning of mankind. No limitations

In light of the Bill of Rights, how do you propose supporting our enumerated freedoms and rights?

Always making my decisions base on the Constitution and its correct interpretation. Not a liberal interpretation

As illegal persons come to Missouri, do you see their presence as a help or a hindrance? What will they do to our economy?

Hindrance. They will continue to drain our economy as they have for decades.

What is the biggest problem facing Missourians/Americans?

Crime & Utility rates

The traditional family consists of a father, mother, and children. Is this type of family good for our culture?

100% Yes

What are the state’s most pressing needs for infrastructure or capital projects?

Our electric grid. Missouri should be the leader in nuclear energy.

How would you protect Oregon County from big government interference? Tax manipulation?

By being the first line of defense as the head executive officer. Telling the federal government we will not accept the all strings attached dollars.

What laws would you like to see passed or repealed in your term?

Honestly, in not looking at either. I want more enforcement of laws.

What is your greatest accomplishment that you want voters to know about?

Everything I have accomplished in life has been achieved with truth, honesty and hard work. I am a very successful bussiness man & have had a stellar 24 year military career.

Can you give a short bio on why you chose to run for office?

It was a true calling from the Lord. I didn’t want to run for governor but after 4 months of telling him no, I realized I needed to be obedient to the calling. I soon realized why I was being called. Jefferson City is just as corrupt as D.C. I am truely a once in a lifetime opportunity to have the right leader in office.

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