House Passes US Citizenship Voter Bill For Federal Elections

Vote sign

Vote sign

The House of Representatives is busy securing our elections before November election day. On Wednesday, the House passed a bill requiring individuals registering to vote to provide proof of citizenship to participate in federal elections. This bill would also require states to check voter rolls for registered noncitizens.


The Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act, or SAVE, is intended to prevent noncitizens from voting. That act is already illegal since only citizens can vote in federal elections. However, the National Voter Registration Act 1993 prohibits states from confirming citizenship status. In May, Representative Chip Roy of Texas introduced the SAVE Act. It would require most individuals to have a passport to register to vote. According to State Department data, only about 48% of U.S. citizens have a passport. In contrast, driver’s licenses and tribal ID cards typically do not prove a person’s citizenship and could not be used to register under the SAVE Act.

Party Lines

The Republicans voted in favor of H.B. 8281. You can read the bill here. Speaker Johnson’s office announced a report asserting the SAVE Act was critical for American election integrity.

Meanwhile, the Biden administration issued a Statement of Administration Policy against the legislation, saying there is no cause for concern about noncitizen voting despite so many coming across our border illegally.

Rep. Joe Morelle of New York urged his colleagues to vote no on the bill, saying it would be devastating for all American voters. He talked about scaring Americans and how this was undemocratic.

Steil, a Wisconsin Republican, remarked that

in the past few decades, Americans’ faith in the integrity of our elections has eroded, and it is Congress’ responsibility to restore confidence in our election system [1].


The bill is not expected to advance in the Democratic-controlled Senate.

What Is Needed For A Passport?

A passport requires more documentation than a driver’s license as proof of nationality. Here is a government site to help you get started on a passport.


  1. ^ {U.S. House passes bill requiring proof of citizenship to vote in federal races {\ifmmode\bullet\else\textbullet\fi} Missouri Independent} (go back  ↩)

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