RNC Training 100,000 Poll Workers And 500 Lawyers

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In an announcement made at the beginning of June in Detroit, Michigan, Lara Trump, the co-chair of the Republican National Committee (RNC), announced plans to build a formidable watchdog army ahead of the upcoming elections. This army will be tasked with safeguarding the integrity of our elections this coming November. After multiple illegalities that occurred in the last two elections, voter faith in the system is at a low point. The RNC hopes to restore voter confidence with an army protecting each vote.

Poll Watchers

The RNC’s plan includes training individuals to work in tabulation centers, where mail-in ballots are processed and counted. They also want poll watchers, but not just poll watchers; they want poll workers.

The RNC has set up a website for those interested in joining the team. You can go here to enlist. The RNC will provide training in each state to equip team members with everything they need to know. Although they are Republican, they simply want more eyes watching what is happening so suspicious happenings do not occur in the middle of the night or when no one is watching.

Lawyer Help

This group also seeks attorneys who can be present at every significant polling location. Their job will be to address any issues that arise proactively. Lara called for any lawyers listening to the announcement to join the effort. She emphasized that they do not have to be trained in election law. She said,

We will train you on exactly what you need to be looking out for [1].

This committee’s goal is to allow free, fair, and transparent elections. If nothing is done illegally, there will be nothing to hide.


  1. ^ {Building an Election Watchdog Army: RNC Co-Chair Lara Trump Announces New Program to Train 100,000 Poll Workers and 500 Lawyers to Safeguard 2024 Election in November {$\vert$} The Gateway Pundit {$\vert$} by Jim xn--Hft-u4x} (go back  ↩)

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