Statewide Election Results Are In

elections; voting

elections; voting

It was a big primary election day. Several positions were close, and each vote mattered. The winners of yesterday’s elections will go on to the general elections in November. Here are the results.


Senator Hawley ran uncontested for the Republican Party, so he won. Young ran uncontested for the Libertarian Party, so he won. Lucas Kunce won the Democratic ticket.


Those who will run in November for the governor’s position are Mike Kehoe, Crystal Quade, and Bill Slantz for the Republican, Democratic, and Libertarian parties consecutively.

Attorney General

Gross ran uncontested on the Democratic ticket, so he won. Munro ran uncontested on the Libertarian ticket and won. Incumbent Andrew Bailey won the ticket for the Republican party.

Lieutenant Governor

Dave Wasinger won the Republican ticket. Richard Brown won the Democratic ticket, while Ken Iverson took away the Libertarian ticket.

Secretary of State

Barbara Pfifer took the Democratic nonimation. Carl Freese took the Libertarian nomination, and Denny Hoskins took the Republican nomination.


John Hartwig, Jr took the Libertarian position. Karl Osmark took the Democratic nomination, and Vivek Malek took the Republican nomination.

US Representative

For our District 8, once again, we will have Jason Smith in the ballot box on the Republican ticket. Randi McCallian will represent the Democratic Party, and Jake Dawson will represent the Libertarians.

State Representative District 153

Keith Elliott won the place to represent the Republican party, and Sheila Bristol will represent the Democratic party. No Libertarians ran for this office.

State Senator

Incumbent Jason Bean ran uncontested on the Republican ticket and won, and Chuck Banks ran uncontested on the Democratic ticket and won.

Judge 37

Judge Privette did get reelected.


The first proposition regarding taxes failed. The second proposition regarding policemen’s wages narrowly passed.

These winners will continue to run against each other in the November general elections. Many of the races were close, and every vote mattered. The exact number of votes can be found here.

Thank you to all who ran, and congratulations to all of the winners.

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