Today Is Missouri Primary Election Day: Get Up to Speed & VOTE!

Primary election results.Editorial

The unofficial primary election results.

Well, here it is. Election Day. Or, better, “Primary” Election Day.

Get Up to Speed on The Candidates

Who are you going to vote for? Do you know what the candidates think about current issues? Are they socially acceptable to your view of the world, or do they contradict everything you believe.

How about the fiscal side of things? Do they spend like drunken sailors, do they cloak their spending sprees in bleeding heart programs that we can’t do without, or do they want to rein in government and its spending to only the minimum that government needs and let the Missouri people keep more of what they earn, create and own?

Good news! You can read what the candidates have to say about all those issues by following the links on our All Of the Candidates Views on the 2024 Political Survey Results page.

Have You Researched the Ballot Issues Yet?

What about the ballot? Have you seen it yet? Would you like to know who’s on it? Have you considered the two ammendments our politians want us to consider to ammend the Missouri Constitution with?

You can preview the Oregon County Sample Primary Election Ballot For Tuesday, Aug 6 today. It has all the ballots: Democrat, Libertarian, and Republican.

So, get informed and get out today and VOTE!

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