Vinnie Clubb Expresses Views At Oregon County Meet-And-Greet

Alton, Mo. – Saturday was the Republican Party of Oregon County’s Meet-and-Greet the candidates. Vinnie Club, who is running for the 153rd district in Missouri, was present and spoke.


Vinnie Club is a family man. His supporting wife and two daughters came to the event. He has twenty years of experience representing different groups. He has worked closely representing agriculture groups like the Farm Bureau. He lives in Piedmont, Missouri.


As a strong conservative, Clubb supports small government, believing people can govern themselves in most matters. He is pro-life from conception forward. He is against raising taxes. He would prefer no taxes at all. He has a deep faith in Christ. He believes each community needs to take charge of its local elections—like school and city boards—to ensure proper accountability. He believes the Second Amendment should not have limitations. Additionally, he fought against canceling festivals during the recent pandemic.


He believes the government should not have such a forceful stance in raising livestock. As the government tries to get more control over each aspect of our lives, including what food we eat, we need to fight against it as citizens.

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