Governor Parson, Independence Day, And Closures

Missouri capitol

Missouri capitol

, Governor Mike Parson ordered the Missouri State Capitol dome to shine red, white, and blue on the evening of July 4, 2024, to celebrate the Independence Day holiday. As those are our national colors, it seemed fitting. He then talked about holiday closures.


In reference to the dome, Governor Parson said,

The Fourth of July is a time honored tradition in this country when, as Americans, we come together to celebrate and remember the founding of our great nation and the freedoms we enjoy today. As we gather together in celebration, we also remember the sacrifices of those who came before us. It is our honor to light the Capitol dome as a symbol of Missourians’ unwavering patriotism, and the First Lady and I wish all Missourians a happy and safe Independence Day full of quality time with family and friends.


Governor Parson has also directed state offices to be closed on Friday, July 5, to allow state team members more time with their loved ones over the Fourth of July holiday. To view Executive Order 24-09, click here.

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