West Plains Mask Mandate Narrowly Fails By 3/2

Stacked Medical Masks.

Stacked Medical Masks.

Last week on the 17th of August, 2020, the West Plains city council held an open forum on Bill 4665 in which the public could express their views. Altonmo.com summarized the meeting here.  A summary of Bill 4665  according to the West Plains City Hall Council Agenda is [1]

An Ordinance establishing the requirement to wear a face covering in certain locations in order to prevent or limit the spread of Covid-19 disease; authorizing the adoption of further orders for the implementation of the ordinance; for and fixing the time when this ordinance shall become effective.

To read the whole bill you can read it here.

Fate Of The Bill

The council held another meeting on August 24, 2020, where the first read of Bill 4665 was conducted.  After a discussion on Bill 4665 the city council voted 3/2 failing the bill and therefore this bill will not progress to second reads. The mask mandate did not pass.



  1. ^https://westplains.net/new/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/August-24-2020.pdf (go back  ↩)

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