Representative Jason Smith Votes

Capitol Hill.

Capitol Hill.

Recently, Representative Jason Smith voted on several resolutions regarding our relations with other countries and adding additional funds to build a border wall. Here is what happened.

H.R. 2789 American Cooperation With Neighbors Act

This resolution requires the Secretary of State and USAID Administrator to submit a strategy to Congress regarding cooperation between the U.S. and Mexico, explicitly addressing drug trafficking and other issues faced by local communities. It passed, and Representative Smith voted yes.

H.R. 7152 Korean American Divided Families National Registry Act

This act requires the State Department to engage in efforts to facilitate reunions of Korean American families who wish to be reunited with family members living in North Korea. It passed and Smith voted yes.

H.R, 6586

This requires a strategy to oppose financial or material support by foreign countries to the Taliban. It passed and Smith voted in favor.

H.R. 8752 Department of Homeland Security

This provides $600 more million for the construction of the border wall, investment in border security technology, forces Secretary Mayorkas to adhere to U.S. border laws, and supports 22,000 Border Patrol agents. It also funds removal operations for removable aliens and custody operations for ICE detainees. It passed, and Smith did vote in favor of it.

H.R. 8771 The Department of State, Foreign Relations and Related Programs Act

This reaffirms American leadership by combatting our adversaries, supporting our allies, promoting American values here and abroad, prioritizing our national security while cutting funds by 11 percent to wasteful climate initiatives and bureaucratic world organizations and refocusing our taxpayer dollars on protecting Americans and our allies. It passed, and Smith voted yes.

Representative Jason Smith is the U.S. Representative for our area. He is up for reelection this year.


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