Republican Party Adopts 20 Promises For Upcoming Terms

Republican sign.

Republican sign.

On July 9, 2024, the Republican National Committee released its 2024 platform. It is the first time since 2016 that the committee has released a platform, opting against creating one in 2020. The platform, approved Monday, is titled “2024 GOP Platform Make America Great Again [1].” The platform lists 20 specific promises to the American people.


The platform lists 20 goals the committee intends to accomplish. Some key policies include conducting the largest deportation operation in American history while making the U.S. military undoubtedly the strongest globally. They are for a strong, sealed border, allowing people who want to enter legally to enter. They want large tax cuts. They are against many of the ‘green’ mandates the current administration imposes. And they want safe and secure one-day-only elections.

Other platform issues include lowering inflation and keeping men out of women’s sports. The entire platform can be read here.

Left Out Of Platform

Some complain that the platform promises do not go far enough. While they do not consent to abortion, they do believe it should be each state’s decision.

Even with dissenters, the RNC Platform Committee approved this platform by a vote of 84-18. It is expected to be passed at their national convention next week.



  1. ^ {Republican Party releases Trump-supported platform} (go back  ↩)

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