The Missouri Senate has only been working for a couple weeks now. Senator Karla Eslinger of the 33rd Senatorial District has reported that several bills have been perfected in the Missouri Senate some of which include Senate Bill (SB) 51, 3 and 69.
SB 51
Senate Bill 51, sponsored by Senator Eslinger, increases access to rehabilitative health care services for all Missourians, but especially those in the rural areas. Under current law, if a person sprains his ankle, he has to go to a doctor in order to go to physical therapy. SB 51 would allow the injured person to skip going ot the doctor and instead go straight to physical therapy.
SB 3 and 69
SB 3 and 69 were perfected in the Senate and combined together. Both bills relate to promoting business development and freeing small business owners from burdensome regulations. The bill allows businesses to apply for waivers from regulations for up to two years while they introduce new products.