TeenPact Missouri III met in Jefferson City, Missouri, from April 15-19, 2024. Homeschoolers across the state met to grow in their relationship with Christ as well as learn more about the government.
TeenPact Leadership Schools is an organization that teaches homeschool teenagers across the United States about how to grow in their relationship with Christ, how to be a leader, and how to know what’s going on in the government.
The Class
Around thirty students across the state of Missouri participated in the Missouri III class. During the four-day class, students got the chance to meet in committee, to pass and fail bills in a mock House of Representatives, and to run for chairman, clerk, senator, or governor. The teenagers also participated in prayer walks, devotionals, and morning and evening worship.
Throughout the week, the alumni students had the chance to participate in the alumni track which delved into what God’s role for government is. The alumni also had a chance to survey several people on what they thought the government’s role is.
The first-time students were able to get a tour of the Capitol and go on different field experiences including judicial, executive, and lobbyist.
On Friday, April 19th, the teenagers had the chance to participate in the Political Communications Workshop (PCW). In the PCW, the homeschool students gave speeches, participated in mock door-to-door campaigning, mock press conferences, and a trading game.
One Day Class
Also on Friday was an 8-12 year old class. This class encompassed everything in the four-day class. The kids got to participate in worship, gubernatorial elections, committee meetings, and prayer walks.
So thankful to have been there!
It was a great team this year!