West Plains Refused Money To Keep Wildlife Off Of Airport

Airplanes against the sunset.

Airplanes against the sunset.

West Plains, Missouri, requested money to keep wildlife off of their airport. Missouri’s Governor’s office vetoed that request.

Wildlife Problems

The West Plains airport has been having wildlife problems for the past several years. Cody Sanders, Public Relations Coordinator with the City of West Plains, stated the following:

Over the last six years, we’ve had five or six animal strikes by airplanes. This year, we had one that caused approximately $800,000 in damages to an airplane. [1]

The Request

The city of West Plains requested $1.5 million to build a fence around the airport. [2] The Governor’s Office vetoed the request, and the city has yet to hear the reason.

Other Avenues

Sanders said that the city will see what they can do internally with the 2025 budget. [3] He also said that they will apply for grants when possible.

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