What Is TeenPact Leadership Schools? Should My Kid Do It?

TeenPact Leadership Schools

TeenPact Leadership Schools

TeenPact Leadership Schools state class registration has been open for a little over a week. Here are the answers for those wondering what TeenPact is and what it involves.

State Class

TeenPact is available in all fifty states from The beginning of February to the start of May. Each class starts on Monday and ends on Thursday or Friday depending on how much you sign up for.

What It Teaches

The basic things that TeenPact teaches is how the government works, how a bill becomes a law, how to become a better leader, how to get involved in politics, and how to grow in your relationship with Christ.

Who Is It For

TeenPact Leadership Schools is mainly for homeschool teenagers, although public schoolers and private schoolers are accepted. There is also a one-day class for 8-12 year olds.

Alumni Events

Once a student has attended the four-day class, he is considered an alumni. TeenPact has eight alumni events covering a variety of topics, such as being a senator, being a judge, being a businessman, and many more.

Is That All?

Some may ask, is that all? TeenPact encourages its students to step out of their comfort zones, to try something new. TeenPact brings like-minded individuals together, creating lasting friendships and memories. TeenPact challenges teenagers to grow in their walk with the Lord.

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