City-Wide Revival All Week At Tucker Creek Park

hands praying over an open Bible

hands praying over an open Bible

Alton, Mo. – Alton is holding a city-wide revival next week. Everyone is invited. Come for free food, praise, and worship music, and speakers sure to challenge you to a closer walk with Christ. Here is the week’s schedule.

When Is This?

The revival takes place all next week: May 20 through 25, 2024.


Each night the meeting takes place at Tucker Creek Park. They will have a large tent set up each night. If you don’t see it on Monday, they’ll meet in the pavilion near the tennis courts. Each evening begins with a free meal at 6:00 pm. Following this, around 6:30 pm is praise and worship. Broke Yoke Ministries and Starting Over Ministries are just a couple of ministries that will be giving testimonies throughout the week of the goodness of God. Following testimonies is the speaker.

Prepare to align your thoughts with God’s all week long. This is a come-as-you-are event.


Although unconfirmed, Riverton Baptist Church may lead the music on Monday and Tuesday. The speaker is Brother Blake Williard.


Brother David Benson is the speaker. Same time schedule.


Brother Mitch Bell is the speaker.


The Center Point Church from Myrtle, Missouri is supplying food and worship music. Brother Greg Rackley is the speaker.


The Alton Tree of Life Church will lead worship music. Brother Shawn Davis will speak.


Once more, the Tree of Life will lead in worship music. Brother Blake Williard will speak.

They look forward to seeing you, leading you in worship, and watching you grow in your path to the Saviour.

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