Alton, Mo. – Are you preparing for summer? Alton is! Registration for Little League and netball is on Tuesday, March 4. It is time to plan now for your little one.
What Is This?
Sign-ups for Alton Little League and Tball participants will take place this week.
When Is The Registration?
Registration is Tuesday, March 4, 2025, between 5 and 6:30 p.m. You can pick up the form at the Alton Elementary office if you cannot make it. Return it with the appropriate funds by Friday, March 7.
Where Is This?
This takes place at the Multi-purpose building.
The fee for tball (ages 3-5 year olds is $30. The fee for Little League (ages 6-12) is $45. All fees must be returned with the proper paperwork no later than Friday, March 7. They will allow no exceptions to this. This is because they need time to place players on teams.
Who Can Join?
Any child between the ages of three and twelve can participate. This is open to public school children as well as homeschooled children.
Baseball and softball games will be played on Saturdays in West Plains. On Saturdays, tball games are played in Alton, Couch, Thayer, and Mammoth Spring.