Djokovic Wins Golden Slam In Tennis

tennis racket and tennis ball

tennis racket and tennis ball

Most people have heard about Novak Djokovic and his excellent tennis skills. But did you know that he plays tennis very, very well? He is so talented that he won the Golden Slam, an honor only a few tennis players earn.


Djokovic is a Serbian tennis player who has been ranked number one for 428 weeks! He began playing tennis professionally in 2003 and won the Australian Open 2008. He went on to win many awards.


What brought him into much of the public’s eye was his refusal to take the COVID-19 vaccine. In 2022, worldwide competitions demanded proof of vaccination before playing. It may have been easy to fake the certificate, but he held his ground and would not play.  Djokovic said he would forego career records by sticking to his principles of free choice and not having the COVID-19 vaccine. Meanwhile, the USA allowed thousands of illegal persons across the southern border regardless of their vaccination status, and he was not allowed to fly into the country without vaccination proof. The Florida Governor even appealed to President Biden for intervention and was turned away.

Modern Times

With the passing of the pandemic, vaccination mandates were lifted, and Djokovic could once more compete worldwide.

Golden Slam

A Golden Slam is defined as winning each of the four Grand Slam tournaments (Australian Open, French Open, Wimbledon, US Open) as well as an Olympic Gold medal. Few people have earned it. Djokovic is one of them, with his recent win at the 2024 Summer Olympics.


Despite being one of the world’s top tennis players, this is Djokovic’s first Olympic gold medal. After receiving his medal, Djokovic pointed upward and said, “God is great” in Serbian. Djokovic is a Serbian Orthodox Christian. He gives his winnings to those in need, like Serbian flood victims.

Sometimes it takes standing for what you believe in and taking the consequences, to come out shining- as a Golden Slam winner.

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